Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tagging (I think it's illegal)

Laurel tagged me to answer the following questions:

Four jobs I've had:
1) Newspaper delivery boy
2) Deputy Sheriff & Police Chief
3) Mayor
4) Director of Public Safety

Four movies I've watched more than once:
1) Miracle on 34th Street
2) Goldfinger
3) Beverly Hills Cop
4) At my age you have probably seen most movies more than once

Four places I've lived:
1) Chicago
2) Monument Valley Utah
3) Chehalis, WA
4) Toledo, WA

Four TV shows I watch:
2) CSI
3) Ghost Whisperer
4) Three & a Half Men

Four places I've been:
1) Hawaii
2) Victoria, BC
3) Statue of Liberty
4) Mount Rushmore

Four people who email me regularly:
1) My boss the sheriff
2) My wonderful wife Goni
3) My assistants Lori & Jennifer
4) My sister Kirsten

Four of my favorite foods:
1) Turkey dinner
2) Steak & a baked potato
3) Cheesecake
4) Most any kind of bread

Four places I would like to visit:
1) Europe (the whole enchilada)
2) Alaska
3) Argentina
4) New England in the fall

Four things I'm looking forward to in the coming year:
1) Flying up to the Arlington Air Show
2) Playing with grandchildren
3) Camping out
4) Climbing Mt Hood


Laurel said...

Dude, what are the dates for the camping trips? Um, Patrick and I are going to invite ourselves along.

The Rinkels said...

We, also, might invite ourselves along. Give up the dates!