The parade goes right by our house so we invite everyone over for a party. It usually starts with breakfast then the parade at 11:00 and then a BBQ lunch. Family, friends, and neighbors all stop by to visit. Since we have so many June birthdays in the family (probably 10 or more) we also celebrate everyone who has a June birthday too.
On Sunday there is a old car show downtown. Goni and I went down after church to view all the cars. It is also a great place to meet up with old friends we don't get to see all the time.
Angela caught getting some breakfast caserole.
Melody & Goni's friend Deb in the kitchen guarding the cinnamon rolls.
Kids swinging and climbing the tree in the front yard waiting for the parade to start.
The beginning of the parade.
Tow trucks and more tow trucks. Note the chalk writing on the street telling the parade participants to "throw candy here".
The gang in front of the house watching the parade.
Our dentist out trying to scoop up some business with his tractor.
Dr Van Dyke's wife and dog having fun behind the tractor.
My old friend Dennis Ripp (in the lower hatch) driving his military vehicle in the parade.
If there was a terrorist attack on Woodland we will be ready.
I saw these old Chevrolet pickups trucks at the car show. Someday I'd like to have one.