Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Weekend

The weekend went by so fast that I can barely believe it. Our friend Tom came down from Seattle to spend the weekend. Grover took him flying on Saturday. They went down to Medford to pickup a dog for one of Grover's friends. Weather was good and they had a good time.

On Sunday we went to church and Heidi came down with Elise & Kohen and Jill & Shayne came with Nellie and Drew. We then returned to the house to get ready for dinner. By 1:00 the house was full of family eating dinner and having a good time.
All of the kids, except for Sam, showed up at one point or another. Spent some time with Charity who is expecting our 8th grandchild. She wasn't feeling very well but it was good to see her.

Tom and Angela played cribbage. Tom's birthday was on Monday so we sang to him and had cake.

The kids all got to search for plastic Easter eggs with candy & treats inside. Caroline and Nathalie helped some of the little kids decorate some "real" eggs. The older kids played video games and watched movies upstairs. Seems like everyone had a good time or at least got plenty to eat.

The house was empty by 7:00 PM and we cleaned things up and got ready for the new week to start. Wow! What a weekend.

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