Saturday, August 23, 2008

Charlotte and the Family Renunion

We had the opportunity to visit with Charlotte, our 2001 Rotary Exchange student from the Netherlands in July. She was here for a few weeks with her family. It just so happened that there was a Smith/Hill and Laseke/Lemmons family reunion at our house on the 27th. Tom and Kathy Hill lived down the street from us in Toledo and had five kids about the same age as ours. We would do stuff together so Jill organized a reunion and Charolotte and her family got caught in the middle.

Charlotte and her family with Goni

Charlotte & her dad and Patrick visiting

Everyone is having a great time visiting.

Kathy and her granddaughter Marley.

Tom and Natalie with Paul in the background talking on the phone.

And of course the food!


Caroline said...
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Laurel said...

It was great to see the Hill's. I think we should make it an annual thing. Charlotte's family is so nice.