Monday, February 9, 2009

It's February Already?

We knew it had been a while since we last blogged but six weeks doesn't seem right. It has been a busy time here in Woodland. The wintery weather lasted through January 1st and then the heavy rain and flooding. This kept Grover busy at work with emergency responses and work. The flooding has resulted in a presidential declaration for our county and all the coordination with FEMA that goes with that. You can checkout our DEM blog at: for all the details.

Goni has been busy with her work at school and with getting her college class done for her pro-cert. For those unfamiliar with this process it is the extra education required for teachers beyond their initial bachelor's degree. Grover spent some time getting her laptop going when it slowed down to a crawl this past weekend.

All the grandchildren are doing well. Within the last week we have visited with Jonah, Rowan and Nellie so all the little guys have had some attention.

More blogging to come hopefully on a little more regular basis.


The Rinkels said...

I'm glad to hear that Mom's working on her pro cert. Also, good to know you two didn't fall off the planet since we last heard from you.

Michelle M said...

Keeping busy, huh? Well thanks for all that you do to contribute to your local area!!

Gary and Kirsten said...

I am glad to hear you are alive & kicking. If you waited another day your Bah Humbug would still fit. We have snow in Chehalis today!