Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Leaving Oaxaca

Our plane was scheduled to leave the Oaxaca airport at 8:30 AM so we needed to be there by 6:30.  Abraham picked us up at the hotel at 6:00.  We drove the mostly deserted streets of the city to the airport in the dark much as we did when we arrived.  I was sorry to leave and wished we could have stayed longer and done more.  But we all had to get back to work and I hope to visit again.

We flew out of Oaxaca to Houston where we had a layover of several hours.  We had lunch at a seafood restaurant and then sat at our gate watching the people.  A much different sight than we had observed while in Oaxaca.  Our flight to Portland was uneventful and we arrived there around 8:30 PM.  It was good to be home and sleeping in our own bed.  I will write an epilogue to the trip in a few days.

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